Direct Admit Wisconsin is a Universities of Wisconsin initiative to offer admission to qualifying high school students between their junior and senior years starting in 2025. Direct admission removes the traditional application process and instead uses data provided by the high school to admit students to universities. All but three of the system’s 13 universities are participating in the program; UW-Madison, UW-La Crosse, and UW-Eau Claire will maintain a traditional application process. So what is the value of offering direct admission?

According to a new study co-authored by a UW-Madison School of Education faculty member, offering direct admission to college increases college applications, particularly for Black, multi-racial, low-income, and first-generation students. Direct admission allows students to focus on college choice rather than on navigating complex application requirements that often form hurdles for under-resourced students. However, the study also found that applications don’t always lead to enrollments due to affordability barriers. Students need a way to compare college costs and explore how financial aid can help. The Money Path app bridges the gap between college acceptance and enrollment by helping students create a comprehensive plan for life after high school. With Money Path, students can compare universities taking part in the program and: 

Build a plan for each university they’ve been accepted to with chosen majors and careers.

Navigate the maze of financial aid and see how much they may need by including other known factors such as scholarships, family gifts, Edvest accounts, and employment income.

Narrow down their options by putting together a budget plan based on starting salaries and potential student loan debt.

Direct Admit Wisconsin presents a promising avenue for expanding opportunities to underrepresented students. However, the journey from acceptance to enrollment can be hindered by financial barriers. The Money Path app serves as a crucial tool, empowering students to make informed decisions by offering clarity on costs, financial aid needs, and post-graduate financial implications. By leveraging Money Path’s resources students can manage the transition from high school to college with confidence, ensuring their academic journey aligns with their aspirations and financial realities. To learn more about Money Path visit our website today!

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